Pool covers


Low coverages

It is beneficial in places where the preservation of the panorama is an important aspect. Our low-design coverings, which fit into the harmony of the garden, are combined with perfect functionality.
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One of the lowest sliding covers available. Thanks to its landscape design, it not only highlights the pool, but also allows the combined beauty of the house and garden to prevail. Its transparent segments provide a perfect view even when closed. With its modern, flat and angular character, it forms a refined pair of aesthetics and user-friendly features.
Middle height / 50 cm
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Modern, extra-flat, but at the same time light-looking, curved pool cover, in the version without a door, with 4 mm thick water-clear solid polycarbonate glazing. Its stable frame support structure is made using a custom-made precious metal alloy. Its rounded edges and corner points prevent accidents.
Middle height 55 cm.
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Low design and very elegant model. It is a perfect choice for those who prioritize a harmonious view of their garden. Attractive basket curve cross-section, compact, glass-like pool cover with 10 mm air cell polycarbonate glazing, which provides excellent insulation. Its standard rails, side entrance and removable front panel guarantee simple and practical operation in all situations.
Middle height 70-80 cm.
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Discreet style and very sophisticated shapes are combined in this low pool cover. With its elegant, minimalist lines, it fits perfectly into the world of modern garden architecture.Its futuristic appearance is further enhanced by the combination of the angular, water-clear polycarbonate roofing material and the low air rails.
Middle height 60-70 cm.

Medium coverage

The more airy cover is the perfect solution for extending the season and for playing in the water, since you don't have to give up the pleasure of swimming even when covered.
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A classic design model with a circular cross-section, which ensures free movement under the closed pool cover. 10 mm air-celled polycarbonate glazing is one of the most weather-resistant f. Its frame structure is individually manufactured, its rounded edges and corner points prevent accidents.
Middle height 110-150 cm.
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A popular model with a basket curve cross-section with a raised front, medium height segments, 10 mm air cell polycarbonate glazing, safely rounded edges and corner points. The custom-made frame support structure is made using a precious metal alloy.
Middle height: 220-260 cm.

High coverages

It creates a larger interior space, so the outdoor pool can be equipped with all the functions of an indoor pool, providing a direct visual connection with the garden.
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High basket curve cross-section pool cover with spacious interior, 10 mm air cell polycarbonate glazing. A better cover increases the use function of the pool, so unforgettable experiences await everyone who chooses this type.
Middle height 220-280 cm.
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One of the most beautiful pool covers. With its asymmetric shape inspired by water drops, it gives the pool an impressively elegant atmosphere from every point of view. It is made with 10 mm air-cell polycarbonate glazing, with a custom-made, precious metal alloy frame structure, with accident-free rounded edges and corner points.
Middle height 220 cm.
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A stable, double-walled polycarbonate roof and compact polycarbonate sidewalls characterize this type of pool cover. The double-walled polycarbonate is 8 mm thick, and the cover is also available in S, M and L profiles. The roof is extremely resistant and insulates very well, as well as providing a high degree of UV protection.
Middle height: 220-280 cm.
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The Omega pool cover is one of our newest types. Its fantasy name is inspired by the letter omega of the Greek ABC, which has the same shape as the cross section of the model. Its unique, markedly elegant appearance stands out in any architectural style.
Middle height: 180-280 cm.

Blind cover

It stops automatically when it encounters an obstacle
It can be controlled digitally and by remote control
Enables hidden pool covering
Acts as a safety cover
Also available with solar slats
High load capacity
The AMPRON lamella pool cover is available in both an external and a hidden version, in the latter case, the blind is driven by the motor of the winding structure located in the hidden cover housing in the shape of the pool. When retracted, it can support the weight of a normal person without sinking under water.
Esztétikus keret

Burkolatok és szegélyek

A medencét körülvevő tér esztétikumát a szegély és a burkolat emeli ki, és olvasztja eggyé a kerttel. Felületeink dekoratívak, ugyanakkor a legmagasabb szintű funkcionalitást képviselik.


Meleg és természetes burkolat keményfából, illetve trópusi fából, mely ellenáll a víznek, és nem vetemedik. A hosszú élettartam biztosítása érdekében évente legalább egyszer felületkezelni szükséges, melyhez tanácsadást és igény esetén karbantartást is biztosítunk.


Gránit, gres vagy kunststein szegélyköveink esztétikus keretet adnak a medencének, kiemelve annak körvonalát. Tökéletesen lefedik a medence és a járófelület közötti rést, pontosan illeszkedve a medencék íveihez. Kérhető szögletes, hagyományos peremmel, vagy sima, illetve gömbölyített medenceszegélyként, ez utóbbit jellemzően a szkimmeres medencékhez ajánljuk.


Erős és ellenálló felületet adó, kevesebb karbantartást igénylő burkolattípus, mely tökéletesen alkalmazható a medence körüli járófelületek kialakításához. Remekül tapad bármely építőiparban használatos betonréteghez, ezért könnyen beépíthető. A minták és színek egyéni igények szerint változatosan kombinálhatók.

Kültéri burkolatok

A könnyen takarítható, csúszásmentes, hagyományos kerámia padlólapok gazdag tárháza végtelen módon variálható megoldást kínál a medencék járófelületének kialakítására. Fagyálló kültéri burkolataink remekül állják az időjárás viszontagságait, nem foltosodnak, mohásodnak, vagy penészednek.

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